Choosing Our Own Path.
2023- Thursday: ☀️♌ |🌙 ♓ | 🕰️ ♄ | ♀rx ♌
Whell.. Here we are. Another rotation of the Great Wheel. Lammas/ Lughnasadh was on Tuesday, Aug. 1st the the same day as the full moon in Aquarius- A very potent time to get our baring’s and adjust our sales as we enter into the final days of Summer.
I have been chewing on a significant life decision for the past year or so, and the energy leading up to and throughout this past week has really forced me to settle on a path forward. This past February I applied to Acupuncture School, and did not get in. They said my grades during College were not encouraging enough for them to trust that I could handle the academic rigor of the 4 year Doctorate Program. I graduated a year “late” with a C+ average; which honestly, was better than I thought I did. I spent most of my energy and focus on “Experiential Education”, instead of the more respectable, Academic Achievement.
I tried my best to assure them I am not the same person I was 10 years ago. I am barely the same person I was 12 months ago. Plans change, and my plan for the “future” at the time I graduated was, be a “starving artist”.. and maybe run a tea shop.? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The admissions team was not persuaded, but they did provide me with a chance to “prove myself”. I had to enroll in an accredited undergraduate school (community college counts), and complete a semester of 4(+) classes with a B+ or higher to satisfy the pre-requisite requirements for the program, and their concern for my work ethic. The classes I was going to take were: Biology, Chemistry, Nutrition, and Psychology 101, all at the local Community College, because, tuition, and I’m poor. In addition to the $100,000 initial cost of getting a Doctorate in Acupuncture.
~ It’s amazing how easy it is to go into debt for your dreams. ~
Where was I? Right.. that brings us to now. The time to enroll for my pre-requisite classes… and I’m stalling… Asking myself questions like:
“Is this the right path for me?”. ~ “This is a lot of money”. ~ “It will demand a lot of your time, if not all of it”. ~ “What about your business?” ~ “How will we make money?” ~ “Do I just.. keep going into debt?” ~ “What about my business?”. ~
The biggest question that I was asking during this full moon was:
“Can I still be the bad ass healer witch I know I am and still learn the information / gain the experience without having to go to Acupuncture School?”
The answer that came back was ~“Yes”. - This was of course after much deliberation, shadow work, research, and Tarot spreads. - So many Tarot Spreads.. 😅 But my intuition and logic finally came through. “There are other Paths”.
I started an Herbalism Certification Course with Ecoversity back in April. The program ends in October. During this time I have fallen even more deeper into Love with the Green World. Reacquainting myself with the Plant allies I was introduced to as a young child. ~ That is a whole other blog post, and it has been a powerful journey back to my roots (pun intended). The Plants have shown me the possibilities of medicine making, and the depths of healing they can provide. This also satisfies my early 20’s dream of owning a tea shop/ apothecary, and being an artist. One thing at a time.
So it’s the Plant Medicine Path for me… and for now..
I have some regrets and.. pings around the idea that “I’m abandoning a dream”, but my body kept screaming: “This isn’t the right time!”.
Who knows? Maybe in the next turn of the Great Wheel I’ll feel differently. But for now.. it goes on the shelf. Not abandoned.. just waiting for the right time.
Till Then ~ Happy Turning.
-Jacqui S: Spirit Guide & LMT
A spread of tarot cards from the Mushroom Hunter’s Tarot by: Joe Buckley. Row 1 (starting left): 4 of cups, 10 of wands, Queen of Cups, 6 of Wands. Row 2: The Chariot, Strength, The Hanged Man, 2 of Swords. Row 3: The Tower, The Queen of Pentacles, The High Priestess, & 6 of Cups.